Grundlagen Elektrotechnik (GET)

Grundlagen Elektrotechnik (GET)

Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik

Technische Universität Hamburg

Institut für Mechatronik im Maschinenbau

Prof. T. A. Kern Eißendorfer Str. 38, 21073 Hamburg


This page is providing the public available information and support documents for "Grundlagen Elektrotechnik".

The script itself is available purely electronical in the confluence-type of format (similar to Wikipedia). This allows easy adaption and comment in case you find items which are not okay or unclear. Feel free to comment extensively.

In case you definitely want and need a PDF-type of copy, feel free to export the script and content you are intertested at any point in time by using the dots (...) in the top-right corner. If you want to export this space or portions of the space as a complete document, please make use of this exportet PDF: ExportVorlesungGET

In case you want a traditional document for download which is frozen and does not change or adapt we are providing the 2018/19 version from Prof. Do as a correct but not-updated version.

Further information on the event you can find at StudIP.

Recommended web-links:

Falstad Circuit Simulation


Institut für Mechatronik im Maschinenbau (iMEK), Eißendorfer Straße 38, 21073 Hamburg