Abschlussarbeiten am Institut M-4 / Thesis at the Institute M-4
This is a place where we are storing temporarily thesis we issue until they are handed out to students. If you are interested, please get in contact with the owners of the corresponding pages.
Hier werden temporär Studierendenarbeiten dokumentiert, bis sie an Studierende ausgegeben werden. Bei Interesse nehmen Sie bitte Kontakt zu den Eigentümern der jeweiligen Seiten auf.
Please do also consider this
Our institute offers a variety of master's, bachelor's, study, and project work opportunities. In this context, we cover all areas of mechatronic development. Our topics are aligned with research activities. Therefore, you can find topics related to energy technology, system optimization, electrical measurement technology, robotics, haptic perception, actuator and motor development, and sensor development."
The primary path to your final thesis: Unsolicited applications based on your interests!
80% of our final theses are not pre-announced but are defined and coordinated according to the interests of the students. Therefore, we would be delighted if you contact us directly. We will then generate individual projects tailored to your interests and needs, in alignment with our research questions. To get an idea of past topics, please follow this link.
We recommend reaching out to researchers/employees in the areas of your interest for better guidance. To help you navigate, we have created a brief overview table of typical subject areas and potential contacts. Please get in touch with the researchers corresponding to your areas of interest for your final thesis.
Research Area | Researcher | Typical Topic Areas for Student-Works |
VR, Rehabilitation & Assistance | Control-Engineering, Mechanical Design, Actuator Development, User-Studies, Software-Design |
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Telemanipulation, AR and Haptic Perception | Control-Engineering, Robotics, Haptic-Perception-Studies, User-Studies, Kinematics |
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Haptic Fudamentals, Robotics and Haptic Devices | Device design, measurement technology, control engineering, painting and arts |
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Maritime Power-Networks | Component Modelling, System-Design |
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Maritime Power-Networks | Mattis Molinski | System-Optimization, System-Modelling |
Maritime Sensor-Platforms | Electromagnetic Sensors, Energy-Harvesting Generators, Electronic & SW-System-Design |
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Visual Human-Machine Interfaces | Robotics, 2D and 3D Image Processing, Measurement Technology |
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Electrical Impedance Tomography | Dennis Kähler, Tom Liebing, Moritz Hollenberg | High-Performance Measurement Electronics, 3D measurement data processing, Medical Devices with EiT, Software- and analog hardware design |
Motor- & Actuator-Design | main contact for external works with industrial partners, motor units for transportation, actuators for haptic HMIs |
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Miniature lagrangian sensors, Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy & Micro-assembly | Miniature sensors design for chemical process measurements using electrical impedance spectroscopy: PCB design, Micro-assembly using haptic telemanipulation |
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Interfaces to vibrotactile actuators |
Since we tailor the topics to the students' interests, we typically do not advertise open assignments.
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Institut für Mechatronik im Maschinenbau (iMEK), Eißendorfer Straße 38, 21073 Hamburg