PA: Haptic Driver: Microcontroller Implementation and OSC interface

PA: Haptic Driver: Microcontroller Implementation and OSC interface

Development of the Haptic Driver Firmware with Open Sound Control Application Interface Capabilities


Haptic driver device for non-specialists usable to drive vibrotactile actuators with different waveform parameters from a Open Sound Control Tool


Task Description / Aufgabenstellung

In the Institute for Mechatronics in Mechanics research is done on the quantification of vibrotactile actuators. Vibrotactile actuators are resonating actuators that oscillate in the vibrotactile frequency range. When using vibrotactile actuators a large setup with specific devices is needed such as a function generator which provides various waveform functions, an amplifier for the generated function and a power supply for all the devices.

The IMEK-institute developed already the first draft of a haptic driver Printed Circuit Board (PCB) which combines the whole setup in one small module. This PA should develop a user friendly implementation of a control scheme to output a waveform with the predefined parameters from a tool which support Open Sound Control (OSC). This control scheme requires that the gain can be controlled directly by the microcontroller. The different connectors for the actuators should be considered in the design. The end application should be easily controllable also for non-specialists. Therefore a driver is needed which connects the output of the OSC tool with the Haptic Driver PCB via a USB interface. Despite that it should also work with different operating systems. The user should be able to put in the preferred output waveform with all waveform parameters which are necessary to describe the waveform for the actuator and should be warned when the maximum amplitude of the actuator will be exceeded.

In a later stage of the project it is planned to include an input with an IMU. This integration should be already considered in this PA.

To improve the multi-functionality of the PCB a Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) should be integrated as well (f.ex. https://www.analog.com/en/products/ad5681r.html). The waveform generator should also output a parametrized saw tooth waveform beside the already implemented standard waveforms. User-defined waveforms should be considered, for example as a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file. The microcontroller should also control which power supply is being used: voltage or current source.

Verification will be made by the hardware integration into the Haptic Driver PCB.

The development should follow the V-model.

Optional goals that can be achieved:

  • Implementation of an own GUI

  • Implementation of a Launchpad-Controller

  • Implementation of a power supply via battery or power bank.

  • Enhancing the density of the PCB to decrease the total size of the PCB.

Reference person for more details: @Juliana Lüer



Thesis Type MA/BA/PA:


Student ID / Matrikelnummer:


Field of Study / Studiengang:


Official start-date / Offizieller Beginn:


Final-report-due /Abgabe:



Finale presentation / Abschlusspräsentation

Zweitprüfer / Second Examiner


Confidential / Vertraulich


Document Upload Final Thesis / Dokumentenabgabe Abschlussdokument

File of final presentation / Dokumentenabgabe Abschlusspräsentation

Link for further files / Link für weitere Dokumente


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Institut für Mechatronik im Maschinenbau (iMEK), Eißendorfer Straße 38, 21073 Hamburg