BA - Defined Load Tests For Haptic Actuator Quantification

BA - <NAME> - Definition and validation of a mathematical model for Linear Resonating Actuators (LRA) [TBD]


Official Titel German


Task Description / Aufgabenstellung

In the Institute for Mechatronics in Mechanics research is done on the quantification of vibrotactile actuators. Vibrotactile actuators are resonating actuators that oscillate in the vibrotactile frequency range. A type of vibrotactile actuator is the Linear Resonating Actuator (LRA). This type of actuator consists of a mass that resonates in a linear fashion with the help of an actuating force and an restoring force.
To quantify such actuators, a series of tests need to be conducted on them. These tests measure how the actuators impact their surrounding environment as well as how that surrounding environment influences these actuators back. These effects can be tested by operating these actuators on different environmental conditions.
This BA will focus on the electrical and mechanical testing of haptic actuators to find their internal electrical parameters. The tests, where the effects on the environment are the subject of study, are already implemented. What is yet to be implemented are the tests that influence the actuator itself.

In this BA the student should model the internals of an LRA and simulate it. To validate the model, electrical tests on the actuators should be conducted by vibrating these actuators with a defined load and measuring the open circuit voltage output as well as the closed circuit current output. To have an accurate model the spring constant (or the restoring force factor) should be accurately measured as well.

Optional Goals:

  • Automate the conducted tests

  • Test multiple actuators using the developed procedure

Reference persons for more details: @Juliana Lüer @Ali El Nwegy



Thesis Type MA/BA/PA:


Student ID / Matrikelnummer:


Field of Study / Studiengang:


Official start-date / Offizieller Beginn:


Final-report-due /Abgabe:






Finale presentation / Abschlusspräsentation


Zweitprüfer / Second Examiner


Confidential / Vertraulich


Document Upload Final Thesis / Dokumentenabgabe Abschlussdokument

File of final presentation / Dokumentenabgabe Abschlusspräsentation

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Institut für Mechatronik im Maschinenbau (iMEK), Eißendorfer Straße 38, 21073 Hamburg