BA - Adaptive Spring Tension Mechanism for a Vibrotactile Quantification Teststand

Offizieller Titel Deutsch


Official Titel English


Task Description / Aufgabenstellung

This thesis can start earliest mid of January 2025.

In the institute for mechatronics in mechanics (M-4) a test stand for the quantification of vibrotactile actuators was developed. Vibrotactile actuators are resonating actuators that oscillate in the vibrotactile frequency range. A type of vibrotactile actuator is the Linear Resonating Actuator (LRA). This type of actuator consists of a mass that resonates in a linear fashion with the help of an actuating force and an restoring force.
To quantify such actuators, a series of tests need to be conducted on them. These tests measure how the actuators impact their surrounding environment as well as how that surrounding environment influences these actuators back. These effects can be tested by operating these actuators on different environmental conditions.

The idle measurement test stand is a square frame with springs and strings in each corner, fixing the testing sample in the middle of the test stand with a specific tension. This allows the testing sample (Vibrotactile Actuator) to move freely in the horizontal axis without any influence from the gravitational forces. The springs and strings are set up with a fixed tension which should be made adjustable and defined during this thesis.

The following steps should be fulfilled during the thesis:

  • Measure the spring tensions in both axes of the test stand (both sides).

  • Build a model describing the dynamics of the test stand.

  • Define an adaptive control scheme for changing the tension of both axes.

  • Build the tension adapting mechanism on the test stand.

  • Validate by comparing new calibration data with previous data.


Reference persons for more details: @Juliana Lüer @Ali El Nwegy



Thesis Type MA/BA/PA:


Student ID / Matrikelnummer:


Field of Study / Studiengang:


Official start-date / Offizieller Beginn:


Final-report-due /Abgabe:






Finale presentation / Abschlusspräsentation


Zweitprüfer / Second Examiner


Confidential / Vertraulich


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File of final presentation / Dokumentenabgabe Abschlusspräsentation

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Institut für Mechatronik im Maschinenbau (iMEK), Eißendorfer Straße 38, 21073 Hamburg