PA - Identifying Actuator Internal Parameters
Offizieller Titel Deutsch
Official Titel English
Task Description / Aufgabenstellung
In the Institute for Mechatronics in Mechanics research is done on the quantification of vibrotactile actuators. Vibrotactile actuators are resonating actuators that oscillate in the vibrotactile frequency range. A type of vibrotactile actuator is the Linear Resonating Actuator (LRA). This type of actuator consists of a mass that resonates in a linear fashion with the help of an actuating force and an restoring force.
To quantify such actuators, a series of tests need to be conducted on them. These tests measure how the actuators impact their surrounding environment as well as how that surrounding environment influences these actuators back. These effects can be tested by operating these actuators on different environmental conditions.
In this PA the internal parameters of vibrotactile actuators should be measured: the spring tension and the force of the spring.
Control the Servo Motor of the vertical sledge movement using the distance measurement sensor
Implement an adaptive actuator mounting mechanism for the spring measurement (mechanism and fixture for different actuators of different sizes)
Measure the max. force and displacement of the actuator spring deflection
Verify the measured spring constance by comparing it to the actuator resonance frequency of the idle and blocked measurement results
Implement the shaker and measure the output voltage and current of the actuator
Verify the output measurements by comparing it to the output voltage and currents of the idle and blocked measurement results
Reference person for questions: @Ali El Nwegy and @Juliana Lüer
Name: |
Thesis Type MA/BA/PA: |
Student ID / Matrikelnummer: |
Field of Study / Studiengang: |
Official start-date / Offizieller Beginn: |
Final-report-due /Abgabe: |
Spotlight-presentations: | 1. 2. 3. |
Finale presentation / Abschlusspräsentation |
Zweitprüfer / Second Examiner |
Confidential / Vertraulich |
Introduction / tour in M4
Urheberrechtsvereinbarung signed:
if applicable: signed confidential agreement
official registration
Helpful links:
Document Upload Final Thesis / Dokumentenabgabe Abschlussdokument
File of final presentation / Dokumentenabgabe Abschlusspräsentation
Link for further files / Link für weitere Dokumente
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Institut für Mechatronik im Maschinenbau (iMEK), Eißendorfer Straße 38, 21073 Hamburg