3D printing process at M-4 for Student-Works

3D printing process at M-4 for Student-Works

The students can 3Dprint parts of their system on the printers available in the working lab. You can find general information about it here: https://octo.zll.tuhh.de/xwiki/bin/view/3DPrinterOS/

The prints are paid by the Institute. Therefore it has to be sent from our functional account. But the student can prepare everything before.


Learn basics of printing and access website

  1. Register in the 3DPrinterOS system with your RZ ID (i.e. xyz123):  https://de-cloud.3dprinteros.com/

  2. Join StudIP group and follow the instructions:

    1. Watch the training videos (available in German and English): https://e-learning.tuhh.de/studip/plugins.php/medialinks/index?cid=7234e7d87eb7d7401592e2da29d5bc63&wiki_comments=icon

    2. Do the ILIAS test: https://e-learning.tuhh.de/studip/dispatch.php/course/ilias_interface/view_object/ilias4/18144?cid=7234e7d87eb7d7401592e2da29d5bc63

After you completed the ILIAS test and your answers are processed, your account on 3DPrinterOS will be activated (it can take a few days).

Prepare and send print

  • Prepare your print as explained in the training videos and slice it to generate the gcode.

  • Do not send it to the printer directly, otherwise you would have to pay for it with your personal money.

  • To keep the files organized, please rename the project folder following this format: YourName_InitialsOfYourSupervisor_NameOfTheParts (i.e. Hans_OT_MotorGears)

  • Share the gcode to the imek@tuhh.de account:

  • Inform your supervisor about it (also specify if you want a specific printer / color to be used).

  • Your supervisor will then queue your gcode to the printer. (Note to the supervisor: please add the name of the student and yours as a comment)

  • An admin will start your print when the printer is ready.

  • You can check the progress of your print on the liverview wall (not available for all printers).

Access to collect parts

When your part is ready, and after the printer’s bed has been cleared by an employee of the working lab, you will find your part on the shelves of the small room next to the printer lab (N.2061). You can access this room even outside of the opening times of the working lab.

Note: this only works when you print for an Institute project. If you print something personal, as you have to pay for the part, you need to collect them in the printer room during the opening times.


Available printers

Different type of printers are available in the working lab, you can check the complete list here after you registered to 3DPrinterOS. This also the place where you can check which printers are in use (and for how long) and which ones are free.

  • Prusa i3 MK3S+: build plate 25x21x21 cm, PLA

  • Ultimaker 2: build plate 22,3x22,3x20,5 cm, ABS

  • Ultimaker 3: build plate 23x19x20 cm, PLA

  • Ultimaker 3 build plate Extended: 21,5x21x5x30 cm, PLA

  • Ultimaker S5: build plate: 33x24x30 cm, PETG / PLA

Not all the printers and materials are shown in 3DPrinterOS. For example, it is also possible to print resin by SLA, or to print flexible materials. For really specific needs, please contact your supervisor or Holger Winter, they might have a solution for you.

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