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How to write a good Engineering Paper
Grundlagen Elektrotechnik (GET)
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Abschlussarbeiten am Institut M-4 / Thesis at the Institute M-4
BA - PA - MA: Entwicklung eines automatisierten Softwaretools für Multi-SPICE-Simulationen zur Optimierung von elektronischen Schaltungen mit modular austauschbaren Schaltungsblöcken
BA/PA - Design, Simulation, and Implementation of a Low-Noise Bandpass Filter for EIT Signal Receive Chains
PA - MA: : Miniaturization and Validation of a Wearable Hand Gesture Recognition System Based on EIT
Bachelor-, Master- or Projekt-Work: Robot interpreting music to paint
BA - Automatisierte Simulation von EIT Messungen in COMSOL mit variablen Parametern
MA: Development and Parametrization of an Electrical Model Using Finite Element Method (FEM)
PA - Design und Implementation eines Machine Learning Frameworks für Electrische Impedanztomografie
PA/MA - Effiziente Berechnung räumlicher Diskretisierungen für 3D Elektrische Impedanztomographie
Project Work : Application of Machine Learning and Inverse Kinematic Modelling for Avoiding Singularity in Serial Robots (Ph2)
Master thesis: Comparative Analysis of Control Strategies for Dual Serial Robot Systems in Object Handling Tasks
MA: Improving Human-Robot Skill Transfer via Mixed Reality and Virtual Haptic Feedback in Industrial Application.
MA/PA: Development and Optimization of Magnet-Based Whisker Sensors for Surface Structure Identification
BA/PA - Erstellung von Hardwareanforderungen für einen EIT basierten räumlich auflösenden Wärmesensor
Master thesis: Experimental Modelling of Wrist Impedance Using Sparse Identification of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems (SINDy)
BA/PA: Integrating Mixed Reality and Numerical Simulation for Virtual Haptic Visualization of Stress Contours
MA: Development And Control Of A Delta Kinematic Robot For Haptic Telemanipulation
BA - Defined Load Tests For Haptic Actuator Quantification
BA - Systemintegration und Weiterentwicklung eines Systems zur Automatischen Messdatenaufnahme von EIT Messungen
PA - Development of a Bio-Inspired Whisker Sensor for Marine application
PA - Design and Implementation of an Architecture for FPGA-Based High-Speed Data Transfer for Real-Time Image Reconstruction in a 3D EIT System
PA - Design and Implementation of a Web Simulation Platform for Haptic Actuators
PA - Multichannel analog lock-in amplifier for EIT
BA/PA - Flexible measurement setup for electrical impedance tomography in highly conductive materials
MA - Design and Implementation of Eddy Current Brake for Controlling the Damping Factor in a Vibrotactile Actuator Teststand
MA - Development and Implementation of Advanced Signal Extraction Techniques for FPGA-based Systems
PA - Development of an Integrated Framework for Simulating Chemical Phenomena and Electrical Measurements in Reactors
PA - Development of a Robotic System for Synchronization and Data Management of EIT and Doppler Measurements in Bubbly Column Experiments
PA: Development of a wave simulation environment for a tripod in the context of the AMuSeD project
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M4 Lehre Public
BA - Automatisierte Simulation von EIT Messungen in COMSOL mit variablen Parametern
BA - Automatisierte Simulation von EIT Messungen in COMSOL mit variablen Parametern
Moritz Hollenberg
Owned by
Moritz Hollenberg
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Last updated:
08 Feb 2024
2 min read
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Automatisierte Simulation von EIT Messungen in COMSOL mit variablen Parametern