020 Black-Box-Model

020 Black-Box-Model

In the first instance of any development it makes sense to discuss the inputs and outputs of a product. The discussion and visualization is part of the requirements and specification discussion. A black-box-model describes anything (e.g. a product) just by describing the inputs and outputs. Usually it does also includes potential noise or environmental influence on the system. In the context of this course the black-box model will also be a basis for the digital twin, as it is going to describe the in- and ouputs of the MatLab representation of the device. Please note, that the black-box model usually does not cover all the requirements. Especially some mechanical requirements or cosmetic requirements do not fit easly into such a model (e.g. design, shape, weight, ...). But especially all flow and signal information are part of it and need to be included.

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Institut für Mechatronik im Maschinenbau (iMEK), Eißendorfer Straße 38, 21073 Hamburg