- Reserve Working Lab
- Ask Holger if he can support for the 3D-scan / print Juliana Lüer
- Send updates to the Girls' days organizers (18 girls max, 12-16 yo, Time: 10:45-14:00 (195 minutes)) Juliana Lüer
- Find other persons to help
- Mona?
- Jana? → request running
- Ali?
- Computers:
- 3 for programming
- 3 for CAD
- Check for Inventor’s licenses
- Install softwares on computers
- Check if we need more components (see https://imek.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/MLP/pages/edit-v2/923303937#Components-list )
- Black tape for the line on the ground
- Prepare goodies (names laser cut)
- Update instruction documents
- Print the documents
- Think about an ice breaker?
- Test the setup Ornella Tortorici
10:45: pick up the girls
11:00: Institute / Individual presentations
Ice breaker?
Separate in 3 groups
In parallel: visit of the laser cut / 3D printers pool
Combine everything together / test the robot
Up to 6 girls
2 per computer → 3 computers
Each group of 2 works on one part
Up to 6 girls
Split the PCB in 2 parts
Up to 6 girls
Tasks descriptions
Final Version (German):
I’d say that all members of the group should design the first part, and then we distribute the design of the other parts to each member of the group. And they should all prepare a part to print or to laser cut and work on the assembly.
Presentation: https://cloud.tuhh.de/index.php/s/RHT6ZznxtsRy5ws
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