- Reserve Working Lab → Ellen will be fixing our booking in the Working Lab calendar
- Ask Holger if he can support for the 3D-scan / print Juliana Lüer
- Send updates to the Girls' days organizers (18 girls max, 12-16 yo, Time: 10:45-14:00 (195 minutes)) Juliana Lüer
- Find other persons to help
- Mona?
- Jana? → request running
- Ali?
- Computers:
- 3 for programming
- 3 for CAD
- Check for Inventor’s licenses
- Install softwares on computers
- Check if we need more components (see https://imek.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/MLP/pages/edit-v2/923303937#Components-list )
- Black tape for the line on the ground
- Prepare goodies (names laser cut)
- Update instruction documents
- Print the documents
- Think about an ice breaker?
- Test the setup Ornella Tortorici