Structuring a Technical Task

There is a typical structure for a technical task to be considered for each master oder bachelor or diploma thesis. Not all steps are mandatory, but there should be a consequent decision on which steps not to take or do. The emphasis on the steps however may vary strongly. More conceptual tasks will require to focus especially on the requirement definitions and the functional decomposition, whereas tasks more focussed on execution will consider requirements which are most likely well defined in the beginning and then afterwards execute and realize on the go.

Especially when it comes to very scientific-oriented development work, there will be the need to go very much into the details of execution (in those cases: mathematical, analysis, simulation), but even those require a framework for orientation. So do not be mislead that this structure is also applicable there.

Types of projects for master-, bachelor- or project-works.

There are four types of works. Usually they can be distinguished as

  1. Execution Tasks
  2. Conceptual Tasks
  3. Product Development Tasks
  4. Validation Tasks

The best way to describe their focus is with the V-cycle.

Toolbox (chronological order) for a typical thesis (master/bachelor/practical)

Until when*Work-ItemReasonTypical FormValidation ProjectExecution ProjectConceptual Project*Development Project
before startTask definitionOfficial task definition from the supervisorText + Sketchalwaysalwaysalwaysalways
1st meetingTask-description from the studentTo make sure, that while formulating the task description all items are covered from the original task definitionText + Sketchalwaysalwaysalwaysalways
2nd meeting, then each meetingTimeline / Time-PlanningShould be reviewed each meeting and updatedGantt-chart, granularity is "week"alwaysalwaysalwaysalways
2nd meetingRequirement SpecificationContains requirements, quantification for these requirements, dimension (units), and references where the requirements came fromTable (link example here)always in high detail, special focus on test- requirementsalwaysalways in high detailalways
3rd meetingFunctional decompositionStructure the task in sub functions which then can be tackled with solutions in a creative processList with explanationsDecomposition of the functions for the product/object has to be available. But test-functions need to be definedmaybe, is probably already predefinedalways in high detailalways
4th meetingMorphological view / overviewCreative expansion / variations of solutions for each function, target - as many variants as possible. Use creative techniques and the help of others to get a very wide porfolioTable/sketchesalways in high detail, focus on how to testhelps structuring but not mandatoryalways in high detailalways
5th meetingSystematic decisionUse pair-wise comparison or any other objective decision system to judge the solutions according to the requirements and propose a complete system from it. Cross check against requirements after the complete system has been sketched/defined.Table for a decision matrixalways in high detail with the target to testcase by case for certain topicsalways in high detail and with the target to have two or three total solutions rankedalways, focus to get one solution to decision
6th meetingTimeline updateMajor update to the timeline according to the chosen solution, considering manufacturing times, delivery schedules etc. to make sure that all milestones are met. Last chance to properly correct content and scope of work in case topic shows to be too complex or too easy. "Point of no return"Gantt planning, updated on a day-to-day granularityalwaysrecommendedproposedalways
Execution of project or product-design

* For a conceptual project task, consider a factor of 2 or 3 in weeks for these steps. Conceptual tasks have the tendency to focus mainly on literature research, basic considerations and testability for the requirements. So the above mentioned steps needs to be done in much high depth and with much more care than for an execution project or a development project.


 If your supervisor is asking you for a time-planning, the expectation is to receive a Gantt-diagram/table. Target of your planning is to identify and become aware of the tasks to be done, and the time you are (probably) going to need for those. You will have to align with suppliers (e.g. material you need) and people assisting (e.g. workshop or labs) to adjust your timing and plan proper periods for e.g. order of material. Creating a timeline is a task of its own, plan one or two working days to get the framework aligned with everyone involved, and update it regularly at least once a week!. On top it will allow you to inform the parties assisting in your work about the time-window you are probably going to need their involvement. Such a level of transparency usually helps a lot to get commitment, other than if everything is simply "urgent" if you did not manage to inform ahead of time.

From a very practical point of view it is strongly recommend to plan from back-to-front. Means, start with what you want to achieve and go backward in time to think as detailed as possible of the things you need to do. Summarize those tasks in groups of action which are usually covering a week. Include major milestones (e.g. model done, simulation executed, design finished, theses written,...) to guide yourself in the planning process.

Always bear in mind: You are responsible for your timing, you should be able at any point in time to confirm that you will achieve a target in time or escalate if this is not possible. In real live there are hardly people willing to wait a little longer simply because of an improper planning. So estimating a timing and being able to work towards this timing is a key skill of every engineer! Of course, estimations may be wrong, but this is no reason not to give it a try and improve with every project you do!

Technically for visualization this can be done in multiple ways (Excel, MS-Project, JIRA BigPicture). Confluence is offering also such an option.

Choose  in the toolbar when editing an area and select . There you can choose "Tabellen" and one of the proposed variants of the Gantt chart.

The result will look like this.

Typically a weekly planning is sufficient for most thesis works.


Are you aware of what you want to achieve? Are you aware of the expectations of your supervisor? The key tool to change this is the creation of a requirements-list (Lastenheft / Pflichtenheft), which is sometimes also called "feature-list" when it comes to very software-centric developments. This requirements-list is to align expectations and to give orientation when checking the concepts and the final functionality against a reference. Be aware, emotionally your supervisors will never be happy to commit/align this list - nor are any customers -, because they then need to be definite on what they want.

Structure of a requirement:

A requirement typically consist of several features:

IndexMay sound silly, but give your requirement a unique index and never ever change this index again. The content of your requirement may vary, the title may vary, but if you do not have this index the traceability of this topic is lost.
DescriptionName it properly. It is extremely good if you manage to write it in a "positive" sense (what the thing you are developing should achieve) and - if somewhat possible - describe it as a function (which includes a verb in the description). This does not work in all cases, but it helps where it can be done. Example for a bad formulation: Off-switch, better formulation: switch for switching off.
Short titleNot mandatory, but helps if you have a short statement summarizing the decription
Value>95% of your requirements should be quantifiable. There is almost no requirement which is not. Either it is a "digital feature" which is there or not, or it is a feature which can be measured (e.g. a color can be measured in color-coordinates, a force can be measured, a result can be measured). Always think of the testing- & validation-phase. Someone with no idea at all about he product development should be able to simply go through this list and know what to check about your development!
UnitIf >95% of the parameters have a value, do not miss to inform about the dimension of this value!
RatingYou probably will be confronted not only with things your task has to fullfill, but also things which are optional and have the character of a wish. Document both classes and mark them with a code, e.g. Mandatory ( "M") or optional ("O")
DisciplineIf you do this to the book, include also a discipline which is likely to have the skills needed for your task. Usually disciplines are ME (mechanical engineering), EE (electrical engineering), SW (software-engineering), SY (system-engineering), OE (optical-engineering), ... and others. Of course, within a thesis you may not have the luxury to involve a specialist which fulfills some of your requirements, but it may help you to filter quickly in case you need to review the requirements when you focus on certain areas of your task, e.g. the mechanical tasks.

Areas requirements may come from

Within literature on design there are always checklists which should help to tailor the requirements and to prevent missing a specific topic or area while creating the lists. I personally like the lists of "Pahl Beitz", although they may need to be extended beyond the technical features a bit.

Areas to consider
GeometryHow large should it be, are there any limitations or boundaries. How does the geometry change when operating. Anything to consider compared to storage and non-operational states.
KinematicsHow does the mechanical interface look like. How is it fixated, should the output translate/rotate, ...
ForcesWhat are the in-/ and output forces or torques generated by the device but also applied to the device
EnergyPower sources available, output power, radiation relevant, other "exotic" forms of energy existing (accelerations)
MaterialAny exposure to materials (chemical, biological,...). Any limitations on material choices
In- and Output SignalsWhat kind of control signals does the device receive, what kind of output signals should it generate?
SafetyPassive or active safety of the device relevant?
ErgonomicsEven if not required, considering the ergonomics of usage will greatly improve the perception of quality of your work!
ManufacturabilityCan all parts be manufactured or are available of-shelves? Ask for help if you are unsure!
AssemblyCan it be assembled and how is the assembly-sequence?
ControlAny need for open- or closed-loop control? Reaction timings, dynamics of this?
Mountingif part of a larger assembly
TransportDoes it has to be moved, if so, mounting points, size to fit through a door, weight
NoiseRattle/squeek/mechanical play/operational noises of relevance?
RepairDoes it need to be repaired, in which areas, and how to access later
CostsPrototype costs, series costs
TimingMajor milestones for the development and the delivery
QuantityWhat quantity of the device needs to be built in which time - will greatly influence the emphasis and balance between manufacturability/assembly vs. all other features

Requirements lists

There are database-management systems which have been programmed to align requirements (e.g. "DOORs"). However on a university-level and for most small to medium-size companies Excel-Lists do typically do very well. 

This excel-list should have columns for all aspects of the requirements, like that one below for orientation. It is okay to summarize requirements or spread them. It is a common approach that there is something which needs to be achieved (e.g. a force) but it would be great to have an even bigger force. Make two lines then, one with a mandatory requirement, one with an optional one.

To give you an idea: Typical requirements for even small development projects or architectural tasks in BA or MA thesis easily count up to 30 or 50 items. A whole system may have hundreds. If your tasks is focussing on simulation and testing you may still have 20 or more aspects for your testing and simulation requirements. Take care and think deep!

IndexShort titleDescriptionValueUnitRatingDisciplineComment
10Output Force XCapability to create forces at the interaction point in x-direction10NMME, EE

20Output Force YCapability to create forces at the interaction point in y-direction0NMME, EE

30Output Force ZCapability to create a force at the interaction point in z-direction0NMME, EE

40Packaging SizeMaximum Dimensions (x,y,z)100x100x100mm3MME

50Packaging SizeMaximum Dimensions (x,y,z)50x50x50mm3OMEcustomer asked to make the thing as small as possible

Disclaimer: This overview is intended to help and give orientation. Of course this is not binding, comprehensive nor complete. But you should actively consider your decision-making-processes based on this structure and find some inspiration to decide for your personal way to go.

Institut für Mechatronik im Maschinenbau (iMEK), Eißendorfer Straße 38, 21073 Hamburg