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Comment: Small change in task description of 5.4.3: changed reference to previous task from 5.6.2 to 5.4.2

titleprocess of the experiment

Please use your time in the lab to conduct the different experiments. Calculations for this experiment should be done at home after all data has been collected. You can use the oscilloscope screenshot to USB-Flashdrive function to make sure, you have all data available later.

Further information on the use of the oscilloscope for this experiment can be found here.


Tau is the time constant of an RC circuit that takes to change from one steady state condition to another steady state condition when subjected to a step change input condition [4]. τ is the time taken for the capacitor from an initial charge voltage of zero to approximately 63.2% of the value of an applied DC voltage. The change of state from one stable condition to another generally occurs at a rate determined by the time constant of the circuit which itself will be an exponential value. The time constant of an RC circuit could be used to measure the value of the unknown capacitance, given that the resistance is known:

body\tau = R . C


  • Gather all the necessary measurement objects and instruments:
  • Aluminum foil two parts (150 mm x 10 mm, cut smaller lateron)
  • Paper
    • Clamps, cables, breadboard
    • Resistors/potentiometers
    • Inductances
    • Multimeter
    • Oscilloscope
    • Function-generator



Be careful with the polarisation of the capacitor and the inductor, usually the terminals are marked with +/- or one pin is longer than the other, in this case the longer pin is the positive terminal.

Image ModifiedImage ModifiedImage ModifiedImage Modified
Ceramic CapacitorFoil CapacitorInductanceResistor

Always make sure to unload your capacitor, before you connect it. Make sure that the capacitor is not loaded by connecting a resistor to the terminals and short-circuiting it across it.


5.4.3 After learning how to find the resonance frequency manually we want to use the full capabilities of the osciliscope in order to find the resonance frequency. To do so we generate a so-called Bode plot, which plots Gain and Phase against a varying range of frequencies. To use it press "Analyze" on the osciloscope and choose "Frequency Response Analysis", which you find under "Features" on the right side of the screen. Adjust the minimum and maximum frequency according to 5.64.2. What do you see and what do you measure for the resonance frequency?(Matlab)


  1. Matriculation number
  2.  Please type your value in F for task 5.2.3, measured by calculating C from τ. Use the scientific notation: 2e-3=2mF. Please use the decimal point and give only numerical values in scientific notation!
    unit: F
    relevant section: 5.2.3
  3.  Please type your value in F for task 5.3.4, measured by using the phase shift. Use the scientific notation: 2e-3=2mF Please use the decimal point and give only numerical values in scientific notation!value for ceramic capacitor 5.5.4.
    unit: F
    relevant section: 5.3.4
  4.  Please type your value in F for task 5.4.5, measured by using the resonance frequency. Use the scientific notation: 2e-3=2mF. Please use the decimal point and give only numerical values in scientific notation!
    unit: F
    relevant section: 5.4.5
