BA - PA - MA: Entwicklung eines automatisierten Softwaretools für Multi-SPICE-Simulationen zur Optimierung von elektronischen Schaltungen mit modular austauschbaren Schaltungsblöcken

BA - PA - MA: Entwicklung eines automatisierten Softwaretools für Multi-SPICE-Simulationen zur Optimierung von elektronischen Schaltungen mit modular austauschbaren Schaltungsblöcken

Entwicklung eines automatisierten Softwaretools für Multi-SPICE-Simulationen zur Optimierung von elektronischen Schaltungen mit modular austauschbaren Schaltungsblöcken


Development of an Automated Software Tool for Multi-SPICE Simulations to Optimize Electrical Circuits with Modular Circuit Block Interchangeability


Task Description / Aufgabenstellung


Goal is to design and develop a Python-based software tool that automates multiple SPICE simulations to optimize electrical circuits. The software should handle variations of component values and circuit blocks, allowing for interchangeable subcircuits. The focus is on building a structured, modular, and scalable tool that can be applied to any circuit. The software's structure is prioritized over the actual optimization of the provided example.

  • Evaluate various SPICE simulators, such as NGSpice and LTSpice, considering factors such as ease of use, Python integration, support for modular design, flexibility and compatibility with manufacturer components.

  • Investigate approaches for handling both value variation and block interchangeability in electrical circuit design.

  • Develop a flexible, object-oriented, and modular software architecture, ensuring that it supports both component-level and block-level changes in the circuit.

  • Define the necessary classes and methods for setting up circuit components and blocks, running SPICE simulations, and extracting parameters.

  • Ensure that the architecture allows seamless interchange of circuit blocks (e.g., switching between different amplifiers, filters, or feedback networks).

  • Develop routines to extract key performance parameters (e.g., gain, noise, bandwidth, power consumption) from each simulation.

  • Make the tool generic and modular so that users can easily specify different circuit topologies and block configurations.

  • Include an optimization routine that performs multiple simulations with different configurations to find the optimal circuit, but emphasize the structural flexibility of the software over perfect example optimization.

  • Test the tool with a practical example, such as an analog receive chain for signal conditioning before ADC conversion. The example should feature varying components and interchangeable blocks (e.g., different amplifier stages or filters).

The work can be written in German or English. If you are interested just come to my office O0.016 or send me an E-Mail. tom.liebing@tuhh.de



Thesis Type MA/BA/PA:


Student ID / Matrikelnummer:


Field of Study / Studiengang:


Official start-date / Offizieller Beginn:


Final-report-due /Abgabe:






Finale presentation / Abschlusspräsentation


Zweitprüfer / Second Examiner

@Tom Liebing

Confidential / Vertraulich


Document Upload Final Thesis / Dokumentenabgabe Abschlussdokument

File of final presentation / Dokumentenabgabe Abschlusspräsentation

Link for further files / Link für weitere Dokumente

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Institut für Mechatronik im Maschinenbau (iMEK), Eißendorfer Straße 38, 21073 Hamburg