Matlab installation (student version)
Matlab installation (student version)
If you want to install Matlab with a student license you just have to follow the (german) instructions at:
If you have problems understanding the german instructions it basically says:
- Go to https://de.mathworks.com/academia/tah-portal/technische-universitat-hamburg-356580.html
- Click on the register button ("Registrieren Sie sich jetzt"):
- You will be redirected to the TUHH homepage. Enter your TUHH credentials.
- You will be redirected to the Mathworks homepage where you can create a MathWorks account or login if you allready have one
- After registration or login you will get to the download page
- Start the downloaded installer and select the login with a MathWorks account method during the installation
- choose the Academic Student Total Headcount license if needed
- follow activation instructions
Institut für Mechatronik im Maschinenbau (iMEK), Eißendorfer Straße 38, 21073 Hamburg