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Note: Try to complete tasks 4.1.2, 4.3.1, 4.4.1, 4.4.2, 4.5, and 4.6.1 before coming to the WorkINGLab so that you have more time for the experimental part.


4.2.1 Measure the voltage with the multimeter across the strain gauge for both the unloaded and loaded beam. What is the difference in voltage between loaded and unloaded beam? Hint: you can even measure at the screws of the luster terminal as they are in contact with the clamped wires (fig. 6).

diagramDisplayNamevoltage divider
diagramNamevoltage divider


4.3.2 Insert your value for zeroMVinput and your value for mV/digit into the Arduino code. You will need to provide those values in Vips later. 💾 (Please insert your code where the comments mention it and then uncomment those parts!)


  1. Matriculation number

  2. If you had a 10mA current source like in fig. 3, what voltage change would you expect across the strain gauge for a 1‰ strain of the beam?
    unit: [V]
    relevant section: 4.1.

  3. If you had a 10mA current source like in fig. 3, what voltage change would you need to measure, if you want to resolve the maximum strain of 1‰ to 100 steps?
    unit: [V]
    relevant section: 4.1.

  4. Give the ADC-value for the 0mV input.
    unit: [none]
    relevant section: 4.3.

  5. How many mV/digit does the Arduino measure when using the HX711 as ADC?
    unit: [mV/digit]
    relevant section: 4.3.

  6. What voltage change would you measure for a 1‰ strain at 5V supply voltage in a quarter-bridge setup?

    unit: [V]
    relevant section: 4.4.

  7. What voltage did you measure in the quarter-bridge setup? Type the voltage difference between loaded and unloaded beam!

    unit: [V]
    relevant section: 4.4.

  8. Can the setup from task 4.5 compensate temperature?
    select from:
    - yes
    - no
    relevant section: 4.5.

  9. Can the setup from task 4.6 compensate temperature?
    select from:
    - yes
    - no
    relevant section: 4.6.

  10. Calculate the stress you applied in task 4.6.2
    unit: [MPa] or [N/mm²]
    relevant section: 4.6.4