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Comment: Overhauled outlook on VIPS questions


[1] DIN 1319-4. Grundlagen der Meßtechnik. Teil 34: Auswertung von Messungen - Meßunsicherheit (9.2). Ausgabe 2, Februar 1999.


The result of an addition/subtraction has as many decimal places as the number with the fewest decimal places. [3]

Examples:  11.234+0.0007=11.235     11+3.432=14     11.00+3.432=14.43

The result of a multiplication/division has as many significant figures as the number with the fewest significant figures. [3]

Examples:  3.123*4.54=14.2     3.123*0.1=0.3     3.123*0.0012=0.0037


1.7 Go to one of the teststands and open the Matlab App for Experiment 1. Enter your matriculation number and the number of the Experiment Kit you are working with. Then enter your values for 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. All values and calculations for 1.4-1.6 will need to be supplied to vips later.

7.      Evaluation of Experiment Results (VIPS)

The following values should be entered to vips in Stud.ip. Please note that only 30 minutes are available for entering values in vips, after which the vips entry is automatically terminated. The test is only to hand in the final values, so be prepared and have all values ready and at hand!

  1. Matriculation number
  2. Which step was for testing the reproducibility of the experiment?
    select from:
    - 1.3.1
    - 1.3.2
    - 1.3.3
    relevant section: 6.1.3.

  3. Which step was for testing the repeatability of the experiment?
    select from:
    - 1.3.1
    - 1.3.2
    instrument accuracy (- 1.3.3
    relevant section: 6.1.3.

  4. Please specify the accuracy of the measurement instrument you are using for task 1.4.1
    unit: [mm]
    relevant section:

  5. Please enter the complete measurement of result for the volume of the cylinder cylinder volume of task 1.4.2
    unit: [mm³]
    enter your aswer like this:  (measurand +/- propagated uncertainty)mm³
    relevant section:

  6. table from Please type your table values for task 1.5.1
    unit: [mm]
    Use the structure proposed in this example:
    Image Added
    [3.5 4 2; 5 6 3]
    relevant section:

  7. Please enter the complete measurement result for the beans volume of task 1.5.2
    unit: [mm³]
    enter your aswer like this:  (measurand +/- propagated uncertainty)mm³
    relevant section:

  8. Please explain the steps necessary to measure the volume of your hand briefly. Include your resulting value in mm³
    (free text)
    relevant section: 6.1.6

  9. Please enter the total calculated number of beans in the container
    relevant section: text) explain your measurement steps of 1.6